Daily Quiz


  1. What is the most populous city in the US?
  2. What is NASA an abbreviation for?
  3. Who is famous for discovering the gravitational force?
  4. In 1971 David Scott drops a hammer and a feather on the moon. Which hits the surface first?
  5. Who played Hermione Granger in the Harry Potter movies?
  6. What is the capital of Croatia?
  7. What is the name of the princess you're trying to save in the Zelda games?
  8. What was the capital of Brazil before 1960?
  9. What is the chemical symbol for Oxygen?
  10. What is the chemical symbol for Potassium?



  1. New York City
  2. National Aeronautics and Space Administration
  3. Isaac Newton
  4. Hammeren og fjæren treffer bakken samtidig
  5. Emma Watson
  6. Zagreb
  7. Zelda
  8. Rio de Janeiro
  9. O
  10. K
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